2025 Percussion Specifics


  • Round 1: Percussion participants in these categories should wear a nice, collared shirt, along with neat bottoms. Closed toe shoes are also requested.

  • Round 2: Percussion participants in these categories should wear a divisional group polo or collared shirt, along with pants or jeans (no holes).  Closed toe shoes are also required.

Repertoire: Sheet music and accompaniment tracks can be found below.

 Level One (ages 7 - 14):

Snare Solo:  “Marching On To War” by Andrew Boyton

Level Two (ages 15-22):

Snare Solo: “Chance of Showers” by Andrew Boyton
Xylophone Solo: “I’m A Soldier” by Steve Kellner

*Both the snare and xylophone solos are required for percussionists participating in Level Two.